
Spring is Still Wintery

In Colorado, Spring is slow to slip out of her coat and bask in the sun. In the past week we’ve had the first day of spring, a few nearly-70-degree days, and also bitter cold, windy snow. There are some signs of the coming season, like the crocuses popping up in my neighbor’s yard, but the sunlight still looks wintery and white on overcast days.

We’ve been trying to get outside more, to combat the winter blues and their accompanying physical blahs. I am still knitting and spinning, but my mojo isn’t great so it hasn’t felt especially post-worthy. I am trying to finish up at least a few of my five (!) knitting WIPs before beginning a new and rather ambitious project, which I promise I will write about when I get there.

Last weekend we walked around McIntosh Lake, which was glorious, and also reminded me that we’ve potentially got another couple months of snowy weather. I love the snow, but I’m also ready to see something green. The sun feels warm, but growing things are still mostly brown and sleeping for a little while longer.

I am certain that part of my winter blahs are due to the horrific situation in Ukraine. I am continually astonished and inspired by the strength and bravery of the Ukrainian people in the face of this utterly illegal and immoral invasion. I am also completely heartbroken about the senseless loss of their lives, homes, and livelihoods, and the unabashed greed that is motivating it. I thought this sign I found on a trash receptacle was appropriate; Putin is a thug and a criminal, but above all, a piece of shit human being. I hope we can find a way to stop him, and SOON.

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